Musosoup (A review and discussion of Musosoup in 2023)

musosoup review cost

How Musosoup works

  • Submit your music
Submit your latest single, EP or album and be able to listen to it & offer you coverage, but so will hundreds of other curators for 3 weeks. The earlier you submit the better, because our 3 week countdown doesn't start until your release day. That means that any days your campaign is active on Musosoup for prior to your release date are for free!

Why? We believe that artists have better things to be spending their time on than trawling through hundreds of blogs and playlists. We’ll put you in front of the right people with our in built filter system.
  • Get Approved
Musosoup’s team will take a listen to your music first, before you pay anything, to make sure that you have a good chance of success.

Why? We know how hard it is financially for grassroots musicians, so this way we can make sure artist’s who might not be 100% ready yet, don’t waste their money. It also allows us to keep the platform as high quality as possible for our curators.
  • View Offers
Sit back and wait for blogs, playlists, radio stations and more to send you offers for coverage, building strong relations as you go. Here you will retain 100% control and be able to accept or decline them at your discretion.
  • Get Press
You’ll be notified as soon as coverage has been created!

It’s that simple.

Who are Musosoup?

Musosoup connects musicians with a wide range of content curators for reviews, interviews, radio play, playlists and more.

Simply submit your music to our platform. Once approved it will be made available to all curators for 3 weeks*.

During the time your campaign is active you'll get access to instant reports that will let you know who has listened to your music, who is considering creating content, and links to content created about your release.


How much does it cost? Musosoup Cost

For the whole of March 2023 we are offering £5.00 off a full 3 week* listing making it just £25.00 (exc VAT). Simply enter the coupon code below at checkout.

A portion of all listings fees are given back to the blogs, stations and playlists so we can support them to continue writing about great music.

*If you activate your Musosoup campaign before your music is released, we won't start the 3 week countdown until your release day, so you could potentially have more than 3 weeks of exposure.

Use code “MusoNotMiso” to get £5.00 off now!

musosoup cost

Musosoup Review

Musosoup is the only music pr platform I wish I could spend more money on.

Because there I pay for what I get.

In contrast to Submithub, my money only goes to those who say “yes” to my submission.

It also features a handy system for building a press kit for those who haven’t got one sorted professionally.

In my experience, all the curators there are communicative and fair.

When someone does take your submission, they make an offer for free or paid coverage, then a dialogue opens between the two of you.

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